1. Hi girls! First of all, where are you and what are you up to?

Hi there! We are in Los Angeles, CA. Besides working on music, we’ve been trying to get outdoors as much as we can since we’ve been having a beautiful summer here. We just got back from a camping adventure to Zion National Park, which was awesome!

2. The past few years have seen you rise to a regular fixture across the LA club circuit but of course like all DJs worldwide, bookings have been completely wiped out. How have you been coping with lockdown and the lack of parties, and do you have anything planned yet for a return to the dance floor?

We definitely miss the parties and the dance floor, but we’ve been having fun with live streams in the meantime. It’s nice that we can still connect with our fans a little bit and share the music that we love. Plus, it’s always a party when we’re playing together, even if it’s just the two of us in the room! We’re still finding confetti in the apartment from when we set off an entire box of poppers during one of our live streams a couple months ago because we wanted to pretend we were at Elrow.

As far as a return to the dance floor goes, it looks like it will still be a while before clubs and festivals will be back around here, so we’ve been trying to stay positive and use this time to get our music heard!

3.Your Hangover Club Radio show has been going for a while now, but it seems to have given a lifeline to many of your fans whilst we can’t hit the dance floor. Is it a brand that you’re thinking of expanding once we’re back to ‘normal’? We’re envisioning Sunday parties with a Bloody Mary in hand. 

Funny you should say that! We’ve actually thrown a couple Hangover Club day parties prior to the shutdown, in LA and also in our hometown of Seattle, where we teamed up with local label Late Night Munchies. They were a blast and we’d love to grow the brand and do them on a larger scale. We think everyone will be SO ready for it once we can have big gatherings again!

4. How did it feel having your latest release ‘Never Knew’ with Vanilla Ace signed to Toolroom?

Uh, AMAZING! Major goal achieved! We’ve been following Mark Knight and Toolroom since we were basically still just kids raving in our undies. Among others, ‘Downpipe’ has been an influential track on our DJ/producer journey, so this label is extra special to us. 

5. Can you tell us more about how your collaborations with the British producer came about?

We’ve been Vanilla Ace fans for years and often played his music in our sets and mixes, even back when we were learning to DJ. We had the opportunity to open for him at a club in LA and meet him and he was really cool and down to earth so we stayed in touch. Eventually, we sent in some demos to his label, WyldCard Records, and he signed our tracks ‘Concentration’ and ‘Out of Control’. We were also sitting on a handful of unfinished tracks that we thought could use some of his magic. He listened to one he liked and the collab was born! 

6. Your previous releases on Wyldcard have done exceptionally well on Beatport’s Tech House Hype Chart, reaching #19 and #11 respectively. How does it feel seeing your releases doing so well as relatively new artists?

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It’s been really exciting! It’s so crazy to think back to where we were when we started DJing as No Pants Party. Charting on Beatport just felt like a vague possibility. But we’ve been working hard since then and it makes us so happy that people like the music we’re putting out!

7.Have you spent a lot of time in the studio during lockdown? 

Yes! The upside to the absence of parties and events is the extra time we’ve had to sit down and turn ideas to reality! In our tracks, we’ve normally just used vocal samples we found that we thought were interesting, but we decided to try writing our own lyrics for the first time and had a friend record them. Our goal was to come up with something “kind of dumb but really catchy.” We’re pretty confident we succeeded and definitely had some good laughs in the process!

8.What do you have in store release wise and are there any other exciting projects on the horizon for NPP? 

We just wrapped up a few more originals that we’re very excited about! We’ve also got a remix with Vanilla Ace in the works for WyldCard that will be out in October.  Our musical styles align well so it’s great to be working with him again!

  9. Did you discover any new, interesting hobbies during lock down? Have you managed to be productive?

We’ve been into making craft cocktails so we’ve been drinking all kinds of different fancy concoctions during the last few months. If you can’t go to a bar, just bring the bar to you! It’s also been entertaining to find and put together content to use with the green screen for live streams. We’re trying to make the best of it and keep a balance of having fun and being productive during these times.

10. Finally, do you have a quick message to your fans?

We miss your smiling faces and energy so much and can’t wait to party our pants off with you again! And thank you for all of your support on our releases this year!