Eddie Amador’s ‘House Music’ is, without question, a bonafide classic. As it reaches its 25th milestone on Yoshitoshi, Sharam provides a timely remix that perfectly updates the record for today’s dancefloors.

“I’d been toying with the idea of remixing ‘House Music’ for quite a while but always opted to give it to better hands as Dubfire and I had once remixed it as Deep Dish, so didn’t think I could add anything new,” he explains, “it wasn’t until I saw the 25th anniversary was fast approaching that I thought I’d give it a shot, so I put everything aside to get it done.”

Safe to say, many will be glad he did; his modish ‘2.5’ interpretation is a powerful blend of melodic, house and techno in the best, purist sense of the words – a fusion few can pull off. Yet, the original, which is presented here in recently remastered guise, still holds its own and confirms its classic status with ageless aplomb.

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