Following his 2019 label change-up, those fearing a revoke for Ram Boon’s ‘Reworked & Remixed’ series can breathe easy! Autumn sees the convention-countering mix-series jump the label tracks to find a new home at the Dutchman’s Nocturnal Knights imprint. Joining RAM for a new edition of this epic back-to-the-future ride are UK DJ/producers Darren Porter and Ciaran McAuley and collectively the trio have rallied close to 50 tracks to its triple-mix cause.
While the label may have changed, ‘Reworked & Remixed’s central premise remains untouched. Big names may crop up (music from Armin, Tiësto, Markus Schulz, Oakie, Solarstone, BT & co features), but the release’s conscious bias remains rooted in genre classics of the lesser-caned variety. RAM and company have spread their net imaginatively far and creatively wide, unearthing treasure of a more buried variety from trance’s rich history. That done they’ve engaged the services of a full company of HQ producers to bring them new perspectives and interpretations.
Those flexing their remix-muscles over its 200+ minute course include Stoneface & Terminal, Alex M.O.R.P.H., Mark Sherry, Ahmed Romel, Sneijder, Alex Di Stefano and many more besides. They’ve had a plenty-illustrious cast of producers to work on too, with music from Talla 2XLC, Scott Mac, Kamaya Painters, Vimana, Hennes & Cold, DJ Ton TB, Flutlicht, Goldenscan, Ronski Speed repainted and ready to fly again.

The place where fresh and familiar meet – ‘Reworked and Remixed’ rides again from today (!