Until now, Martin Garrix has definitely managed to reach some incredible milestones in his career. He’s already been named the no.1 DJ in the world for 2 consecutive years, he’s wowed fans with his music and out of this world performances, plus he’s done a lot of other impressive things. Recently, while doing an interview with the Huffington Post, the young producer revealed what are some of the things that helped him become what he is today and create such a massive musical empire.

You can see some of his “secrets” below and for more, make sure to head on over here!

1. Don’t go in with the goal of being the world’s number one DJ — because you’ll probably fail.
2. Surround yourself with an amazing team of people.
3. Family involvement and support is really important to lead a normal life.
4. Only work with people you have a personal connection with.
5. Communication and honest feedback is crucial.
6. Loneliness can be an artist’s worst enemy on tour.

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