Martin Garrix’s STMPD RCRDS has fast realised its aim to become one of the electronic world’s foremost labels, and the incredible progress it has made in the space of just over a year is testament to his and his team’s relentless drive—and of course, the amazing music it keeps releasing.

This new anthem from Canadian artists Conro and Disero keeps up that unbelievably high level of quality with no small amount of help from stunning Dutch vocalist Alice FranceLike You Love Me” starts off with a mellow piano intro and then in the powerful, soaring-yet-melancholy chorus the vocals provide the perfect accompaniment to the fizzing synths, chopped-up beats and joyous feel of the production. With a little tropical flavor in the rhythm but more electro-style synth textures and intervals of the pianos, it has a superb mix of flavors and is faultlessly produced.

Listen the track below and let us know what you think!

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