Bassic takes you into a magical musical journey with his latest release!


With it’s smooth pluck melodic lines and the dreamy pads, “Wild Animals” by Bassic brings a fresh and unique mixture of influences and vibes, taking inspiration from both classic music and modern approach to production.

The track itself manages to take you into another world, where you can forget about everything bad that’s happening right now in the world and maybe your life. From the start you can just close your eyes and transcend into another dimension, floating on mesmerizing sounds and melodies, majestically combined with vocal samples, to accentuate even more the dreamy atmosphere. Bassic latest release can’t be really associated with an existent genre, but that makes it even more special, because these days producers that are ready to test out new sounds and break those genres barriers, are quite rare.

Press play, close your eyes and enjoy the musical ride, because i know for sure i did.

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