AREA21 has released their latest song + video ”Lovin’ Every Minute” in a series of releases detailing the alien duo’s adventures here on Earth.  The song, written by real life artists Martin Garrix and Maejor, shines a spotlight on living in the moment and the importance of the human connection.

The cover art features light passing from alien to human and represents uplifting another by a simple touch, “With your energy and spirit, you can change someone’s mood just by how you treat them” noted AREA21.  Meanwhile the video takes a look at how M & M are loving every minute of their time here on Earth and hints at what’s ahead for the duo.

The video details M & M’s journey so far – from their accidental crash in the Nevada desert, being chased by the ominous Lady T to partying in Vegas and floating through the Louvre in Paris.  There’s even a hint at what’s to come.

With more songs and videos to come, AREA21 is running at full speed towards their debut album releasing this fall. Since the release of new music in April, AREA21 has amassed over 29M combined streams and a combined social imprint of over 42M.

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