AREA21 returns following the success of Glad You CameWe Did It, Girls and Spaceship with another classy slice of music in the form of Happy. Happy illustrates a vibe; a positive track with a phat production and more sub which makes for a very graceful take on contemporary hip-hop / electronica vibes.

The track is all about spreading happiness, cause according to AREA21: ‘’if you say you’re happy, you will feel happier.’’ The release is accompanied by a spectacular music video in which we see the faces of the aliens behind AREA21 for the first time. The idea behind the music video is spreading positivity and making people smile, the only thing is that the good vibes are not brought by people but by aliens from outer space. The aliens arrive on earth and give a funny take on human behavior that is considered normal. It includes a lot of action and humor, but is shot in a very beautiful cinematic atmosphere. Check out the video below!

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