Toby DEE, real name Tobias Dausend, was born in Essen (NRW) but lived the last years in Hamburg and New York (Upper East Side, USA). He is a music and street wear label owner and known for his unique show. No matter if cool dance moves and jumps on and beside the stage, champagne showers with his own champagne brand or interactions with the audience as part of his own show. There is always something going on at Toby DEE\’s performances and in DJ circles he even counts as a \”rock star\” already.

This year Toby DEE already performed at Sputnik Springbreak in Bitterfeld, #30 best club in the world (DJ Mag Voting) Noa Beach Club (Croatia) and at many other festivals. For example: Ruhr In Love, Castle Beats Festival, Harder.Better.Faster, Dorf Of Tomorrow or Hypercat Festival (Croatia) and played many club shows.

Toby DEE

‘Glow’ hits hard with pulsating kicks and massive synths which only sometimes stop for breathers throughout the song. About halfway through, we’re given the build-up of a lifetime fueled by harmonic synths and atmospheric vocals that we can only imagine will hype a crowd once this hits festival stages.

The tune has a great balance between the powerful drive and distortion of the first drop, infused with the main synth melody theme and the more euphoric and upbeat second drop. The breakdown is also very atmospheric and does a great job at connecting the track together, making it cohesive overall. Definitely a bomb of a hard dance tune you don’t wish to miss out on, so go check it out for yourself right now!