The whiff of sunscreen, the scent of surf, the hint of a mojito – close your eyes and you can almost smell it!! Yup – real terms, Ibiza’s right around that corner and for that you’ll be needing yourselves an anthem! Something equatorially-hot in places, evocatively flyaway in others and one that’s never, ever less than elevating?! Well, no need to wait any longer!

With summer on their mind, early April saw Paul van Dyk and label-mate/super-chum Alex M.O.R.P.H. whack up the thermostat and hotfoot it into the studio. Channeling their inner sun (wasn’t hard!), the pair co-created this year’s anthem for SHINE Ibiza’s soon-to-be season-long run at San Antonio’s legendary Eden.

A track that condenses all the elements of SHINE’s unforgettable experience into seven minutes and eighteen seconds of trance perfection, the night’s 2019 ‘Ibiza Anthem’ is here. The one you’ll hum as you (eventually) head back to the hotel, the track is out now!

READ MORE  Gabry Ponte teams up with Sean Paul & Natti Natasha for border crossing love anthem!