DarkPsy FX466 is VST / AU plug-in designed for Darkpsy / Forest / Psycore music production and can be used in various genres of psytrance from fullon to dark prog, as well as in completely different genres such as: film music, video-game music, dark ambient, neurofunk drum & bass intros, experimental, dark techno and many more …

Darkpsy FX466 includes Artificial electric storm hits, Alchemy soundscapes, Dark ritual soundscapes, Alien experiments effects, Cosmic effects, Shamanic ritual sounds, Dark ritual drums and hits, Ancient sounds, Dark space and physics experiments, Occult ritual sounds and pads, Area 51 style sounds, Dark gothic intro pads and risers, Ayahuasca voices, Bombs and explosions, Dark Sci-fi FXs hits and guns, Dark cathedral sounds, Secret government experiments, Dark fractal sounds, Resampled demonic voices, Modular synths, Dark whisperings, Fairytale voices, Sampled and re-sampled Hardware dsp synths, Wood hits, Ghost sounds, Computer / Hacker sounds, Android semi human semi robot sounds, Monster voices and effects, Horror pads, Mental layers, Dark planet sounds, Medieval pads and sounds, Laughing dark monsters, Extraction of heretic souls, Space dentist sounds, Underwater gnomes and much more.

Darkpsy / Forest psytrance / Psycore music needs various complex FX sounds, soundscapes, monster and sci-fi sounds, pads, hits and percussions etc. but many producers are always using 3-4 basic types of synth sounds – FM sounds, noises etc. because it is very difficult process to make advanced sound designs or record various experimental sounds in field or film music/experimental sound studio. It can take 2 hours or more to create just one sound, but you need to create complete songs, not spend two months of fine-tuning 10 sounds. Darkpsy FX466 can significantly help you to make interesting intros, build ups, intermezzos and outros, but included sounds / banks can be perfectly used also in main passages of your track in combination with classic synths. You can also use external VST / AU effects and totally recreate all sounds included, layer two banks together etc.

Included are multi-octave banks created by various ways: recording various monsters, animals and objects in space/studio/nature + advanced re-sampleing and re-effecting, Synthetic sources as Hardware and Software modular synthesizers and fx-units digital and analog, secret un-released G-Sonique synths and fx algorithms, Experimental film studio recordings of various objects/experimental pseudo “instruments” etc.

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All instruments/sounds can be additionally modified with LFO (rate and depth) modulating volume/expression, Panning, Pitch, amplitude envelope – attack, decay, sustain, release, Pan, Space, you can choose glide (+ glide time), mono, legato or polyphonic modes, load additional bonus instruments etc. You can layer two or more instruments together to create new kind of sounds (use two DarkPsy FX466 Layered together with different instrument/preset but with same melody) and use various external G-Sonique VST effects to modify the sound to brand new level. DarkPsy FX466 uses special multi-sample/multi-octave Hard drive streaming technology which saves your RAM (data are loaded from hard drive) with precise hiqh quality sound interpolation. DarkPsy FX466 is available for Windows and Mac (VSTi plug-in in 32/64bit for Windows, VSTi plug-in for MAC, AU Audio Unit plug-in for MAC)


– 130+ high quality multi-octave instruments with cass A audio interpolation/resampling
1,27 GB Huge library included in G-Sonique club (www.g-sonique.com/club)

By purchasing this instrument you will get FULL ACCESS to www.g-sonique.com/club – virtual club where you can browse hundreds of rompler banks,
instruments, samples and create your own unique library of instruments/sounds!

You get 150 credits now which allows you to download additional 50 *.gcs instrument banks, within next 12 months you will receive next 150 credits
to download next 50 *.gcs instruments. Instrument comes with default 50 banks, with credits you can choose and download next 100 instruments/banks by
your own choice. So you get plug-in instrument with 150 multi-octave banks total. At G-Sonique club library you can select from expanding library of hundreds of
instruments/banks of various music styles.

– LFO Modulation with depth and rate knobs (modulates: volume/expression, panning, pitch)
with triangle, sinus, square, saw, and exp shape

– Glide knob

– Space knob

– 3 modes: Polyphonic, Mono, Legato

– Amplitude envelope with attack, decay, sustain, release knobs

– Resampling quality selector

– Velocity curve selector

– Pitch bend knob

– Pan knob